GTP Demos, Videos & Images

All videos encoded with DivX. Hardware: Pentium4 at 3.4GHz, GeForce 6800

Penta G

Penta G is the second demo game. It showcases three core technologies: Coherent Hierarchical Culling, Depth Impostors and Raytrace Refractions/Reflections while featuring other state-of-the-art graphical effects such as omnidirectional shadowmapping, parallax mapping, bloom/glow, deferred lighting, various postprocessing effects, etc. The game is a first person shooter set in a sci-fi environment, offering a short campaign with a few levels and an end boss.

Demo download here (154Mb)

Path Map in Moria

This video shows how indirect illumination changes as a light source moves. First, only direct illumination is rendered, then ambient lighting is applied, and finally Precomputed Radiance Maps are used to compute indirect illumination.

GTP demogame HUSMS

Have U Seen My Shadow, the 2nd GTP demogame, is an adventure game set on a lush tropical island. It is scheduled to be released soon - so watch this space, and watch out for those bikini babes (but beware of their father - for witch doctors are subtle and quick to anger... ;-) )

(The 1st GTP demogame, Jungle Rumble, is already available for download.)

Temple of Hephaistos

"Temple of Hephaistos" demo video, comparing
GTP dynamic realtime global illumination with conventional local illumination.

"GameTools - Beyond Spherical Harmonics"


LodStrips model with Skeletal Animation (22MB)

Everybody dance now ! ;-)


Indirect Space Station: indirect illumination using Precomputed Radiance Maps. The space station is illuminated dynamically by the light source attached to the moving space fighter. Four methods are displayed for comparison, one after the other: classic local illumination only, classic local illumination with an ambient term, global illumination with PRMs, and the contribution of the PRM without direct lighting. In this video, we look into the space station form outside to see how the illumination of parts far from the light source changes.


Indirect Lighting with PRM: indirect illumination using Precomputed Radiance Maps. Four methods are displayed for comparison, one after the other: classic local illumination only, classic local illumination with an ambient term, global illumination with PRMs, and the contribution of the PRM without direct lighting. In this video, we can see how a light coming from another tunnel changes as the light source approaches. Colour bleeding and indirect occlusion effects, not available with ambient lighting, can be observed when using PRMs.


Rendering a Forest. The trees are represented with the new "Fast Leaves" model. The shadows are generated with shadow mapping (41MB)


Rain animation: dynamics properties of raindrops are handled through a GPU based particle system, allowing collisions of the raindrops and wind advection.


Rain rendering: this video presents the two models developed for rain rendering, using quasi spherical refractive drops, and retinal persistence extension to render rain streaks.


Continuous LOD models have always had an associated extraction time. For this reason, changing the level of detail of a high amount of LOD objects tends to be completely inefficient. This video shows the LODManager, a framework to manage a large number of CLOD objects efficiently.

Fast leaves

This is a video capture of our GPU-friendly model for leaves. The representation allows instancing, and high visual quality for nearest leaves.


This video capture shows distance impostor based reflections, refractions, and caustics when rendering parameters are set.


Diffuse and glossy indirect lighting. The final gathering step computes a single bounce of the diffuse/glossy illumination taking into account the geometry of the environment as well.


Multiple refractions computed with exact ray tracing implemented by shader programs. In order to reduce ray-object intersections, conic bounding volumes are used.


Automated creation of the billboards tree simplifications. This video shows the simplification of a tree model process integrated in Maya and the scene composition using the simplified meshes and shaders in 3dsMax.


Video capture of two demos using the billboard tree simplifications, preserving the high definition in the leaves of hundreds of trees.


Video capture of the car driving game winning the third prize at Graphics Meets Games Competition in EG06. The demo demonstrates ray-traced reflections, refractions and caustics with depth impostors; diffuse indirect illumination; spherical billboards and glow. The game is implemented in OGRE. (Large download - 80MB). The demo game can be downloaded here (Shader model 3.0 needed).


Video capture of the explosion demo rendered with spherical (i.e. volumetric) billboards to avoid billboard clipping and popping artifacts. This movie is longer than the one already on the site and also shows how the change of different parameters influences the final image. (Large download - 80MB)


Video capture of an animated hierarchical particle system rendered with shadowing and approximate multiple scattering effects. The hierarchical approach allows the reduction of rendered particles. The method also eliminates billboard clipping artifacts.


Video demostrating precomputed radiance maps. Precomputed radiance maps encode partial light paths connecting two points of the geometric via multiple scattering points. Modulating these maps with the actual lighting condition, a global illumination solution can be obtained instantly, allowing real-time light and camera animations.


Another capture of the precomputed radiance maps demo.


Video capture of our OGRE demo, demonstrating caustics, reflections, refractions, metal reflections, and real-time glow. All specular effects are computed by approximate ray tracing of distance importors stored int he texture memory (Large download - 50MB)


Jungle Rumble, the first GTP demo game showcases GameTools Depth Imposters and Raytrace Effects - go here to download it.


Level of Detail for Trees, running at a constant high frameSrate (thats a lot of leaves in there)


GPU Friendly Smooth Level of Detail without the need for Restripification


Ont-the-fly Visibility Culling, without the need for preprocessing. Uses Coherent Hierarchical Culling (CHC) algorithm to avoid the framerate drops of the simple Stop-and-wait approach (Viewfrustrum Culling on the left, CHC on the right)

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Explosion in the Hole rendered with spherical (i.e. volumetric) billboards to avoid billboard clipping and popping artifacts

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Reflecting and Refracting Skull rendered with distance impostors. The reflected/refracted intensities are computed according to the Fresnel law.


Dynamic Fog rendered with spherical (i.e. volumetric) billboards to avoid billboard clipping and popping artifacts. This video also compares classical (depth calculation off) and spherical billboards (depth calculation on).


Fighter plane in an animated cloud. The cloud is a hierarchical particle system, which allows fast animation and rendering with volume shadowing and approximate multiple scattering effects, and also eliminates billboard clipping and popping.

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Yet another capture of the precomputed radiance maps demo. Here direct illumination rendering is compared to the instant global illumination effects (full illumination includes both direct and indirect lighting) provided by precomputed radiance maps.


Colored Caustic Light in a game scene. Using approximate ray tracing of the distance impostors, the caustics, reflections, and refractions (even the reflected/refracted images of the caustics) are accurately computed.

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Sprinting Knight in Shining Armor. Using approximate ray tracing of the distance impostors, the reflections on the curved armor are accurately computed. The reflection is governed by an improved approximation of the Fresnel formula that can cope with metals as well.

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Golden Sphere visiting the toilette. Using approximate ray tracing of the distance impostors, the reflections on the curved armor are accurately computed. The reflection is governed by an improved approximation of the Fresnel formula that can cope with metals as well.

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This video compares classical environment mapping to distance impostor based reflections with different iteration numbers. For reference, ray traced images are also shown.

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Causing Caustics in Claustrophobic Containers. Using approximate ray tracing of the distance impostors, the caustics, reflections, and refractions (even the reflected/refracted images of the caustics) are accurately computed.


Refracting Skull. This video compares environment mapping, distance impostor based single refractions, and double refractions. For double refractions two distance impostors are used that represent the skull and the environment, respectively.




(Obscurance Shadowed)


(Obscurance Shadowed)


(Obscurance Shadowed; no sport relation whatsoever)